Сitizenship and Residency by Investment
Investment from
$130 000
Your «Plan B» for emergency
No global income, dividends, wealth and inheritance tax
Possibility to get long-term visas to the USA and Canada
Three months Processing time
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The second passport or residence permit is your new level of freedom in the global world
Life beyond politics
100% Confidentiality
Fully remote process of obtaining citizenship
Low tax burden and capital security
Global perspectives for your business
Crypto-friendly legislation
Beneficial tax regime (NHR) for 10 years
Dual citizenship is allowed
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 145 countries
Сitizenship and Residency by Investment Programs
GRENADA citizenship
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 144 countries including China, the USA
Investment from $150 000
Obtaining citizenship is fully remote for you and your family
GRENADA citizenship
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 144 countries including China, the USA
Investment from $150 000
Obtaining citizenship is fully remote for you and your family
VANUATU citizenship
A passport for all family for three months
Visa-free access to 133 countries and UK
Investment from $130 000
ST KITTS AND NEVIS citizenship
The largest selection of real estate for investment
Return on investment in 5 years
Investment from $150 000
ST LUCIA citizenship
Investment from $150 000
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 146 countries including the Schengen states and Hong Kong
Citizenship can be inherited
DOMINICA citizenship
Investment from $150 000
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 143 countries including European Union, UKand recently China
Citizenship can be inherited
Investment from $150 000
Visa-free or visa on arrival access to 150 countries including the UK
Favorable conditions for families
TURKEY citizenship
The ability to pay for passport in crypto
Minimum due diligence
Investment fromin realty $400 000
UAE residency
Getting visa as UAE resident
Life in UAE
Investment from $205 000
PORTUGAL residency
Beneficial tax regime (NHR) for 10 years
Return on investment in 5 years
Iinvestment from €280 000
MALTA residency
The ability to get Maltese passport
Visa-free entry to the shengen countries
Investment from €750 000
CYPRUS residency
Return on investment in real estate
Tax optimisation
Investment from €300 000
GREECE residency
Return on investment in 5 years
Visa-free entry to the shengen countries
Investment from €250 000
SPAIN residency
The ability to obtain Spain citizenship within 10 years
Visa-free entry to the shengen countries
Investment from €500 000
AUSTRIA residency
High security, medicine and education level
Visa-free entry to the shengen countries
Investment from €100 000
High security, medicine and education level
Visa-free entry to the shengen countries
Investment from F450 000
LUXEMBURG residency
Visa-free entry to the EU and the schengen Area
Fair tax regime
Investment from €500 000
LUXEMBURG residency
Visa-free entry to the EU and the schengen Area
Fair tax regime
Investment from €500 000
Cinvest Migration - your reliable partner in obtaining citizenship by investment with a 99% guarantee.
Cinvest Migration - Licensed Agent of the Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programs. We work 100% legally
Cinvest Migration lawyers provide high expert level. We also have the staff operating localy.
Minimum participation on your part, we do all the paperwork
To obtain citizenship by investment, you need to seek legal support from a licensed agent
Why Cinvest Migration?
We have five years of experience in citizenship-by-investment
We only work with legal citizenship programs and state-approved developers
Each stage is controlled by experienced international lawyers
Partner of IMI Dailyand IMI Club Pro
High level of communication- we are online 24/7
We accept cryptocurrency
+971 52 399 0611
To obtain citizenship by investment, you need to seek legal support from a licensed agent
Schedule a personal consultation with Cinvest Migration expert
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Cinvest Migration experts will conduct our own due diligence check and help you to choose an appropriate investment option
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We work quickly and efficiently. We will help you to solve any problem.
Main office:
Sol Bay office 113

Processing unit:
Opal tower 1403,
Business Bay,
Dubai, UAE
Main office:
Sol Bay office 113,
Business Bay,
Dubai, UAE
Processing unit:
Opal tower 1403,
Business Bay,
Dubai, UAE
Copyright© 2024
Main office:
000000, Sol Bay office 113, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE
Processing unit:
000000, Opal tower 1403,
Business Bay, Dubai, UAE